Its time to wank my little jack-off rear end! laughing You will do whatever I tell you! You will go after me and all of my instructions! You are my dog! And my dog goes after me wherever I go! You will jack-off your little dick at my guideline! At today it is such a day! You are permitted to wank at my divine feet today! And you are also permitted to jizz! Just look at me! You truly love this sexy boots, dont you? Just looking at me makes you horny! Its like I fucked your brain! You listen to my jack-off directions! Are you already excited to find out how Im going to let you jerk-off? Do you believe you can handle it? Lets start and show me that you are a submissive jerk-off doggy and do whatever I tell you! So buy this clip, download my jerk-off instructions and pay me a tribute - NOW!