This is your jack-off salvation, my chaste slave! The time has come! You have waited very long to reach this moment, my chaste slave, havent you!? I almost left behind it: How long do you have stopped jerking just for me? Can you tell me the last time I permitted you to spunk? Puhh - thats indeed a very long time! :D I am be afraid that you wont need very long until you spunk today! Especially after such a hard week! But dont be bimbo!! Do you truly believe that Im going to make it that effortless!?! Never! :D You have to jack-off the way I tell you! And you wont unload your sperm before I tell you to do so! I hope you understand these rules!? This way I can take care that you wont leave behind your chastity period. But dont believe I will give you a carte blanch now!!! Of course I proceed to control your wank-off behavior! This - and your life and your fate - still rests with me! But dont let us talk anymore! Get the clip, lets embark and stop your chastity for now! :D.