Trampling with stepper! Princess Barby must do its exercises; But the Princess imagines no time shall pass without not tormenting its slave; So it takes Richie of his occupation away and lets him put pre-Aum on the ground in this; With a sentence it already is on him on this, too; It stamps on him with its naked feet while looks at himself above in the mirror; And then it starts: Hers starts to make tap-dance aerobics on Richie to Barby; Use it for her exercises as a sports mat; It abruptly comes onto the idea, it also could make the entire with its stepper; So Barby fetches its tap-dance device and Richie mustnt stir in the meantime. It bangs, for him the stepper on the chest hops himself rip and he already can commence; Princess Barby then tap-dances for its music in the background; And still Richie must hold the stepper taut all the time, so that Barby can exercise also well.
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