next clip with our very popular mistress IVETA! its time for a very very severe thrashing today slave! whenever a mistress is dressed in a uniform YOU should now that its going to hurt a lot! and as mistress iveta gets more and more superior with every time we met her she indeed desired to demonstrate the power of her right arm with a meaty special penalty stick. its thick and supple and usually used for a pony buggy whip as a holder, but for our ladies its very usable the way it is on a naked butt! or to be more exact: on YOUR butt! even some taps only with this instrument will make YOU and when she indeed lays into it it will make YOU sob. sure for 100!!! as this mistress is a real perverse beauty she is not in a hurry when applying a severe even lighten herself a cigarette and relaxes inbetween the and with every minute the welts on YOUR booty are raising more and what a violent heartless class a female dom pov clip! clip duration: 06. 35 mins.