The slave is nothing but an objected, posssesed by and in service to Goddess Vanny. She loves to see him suffer, so she torments him without mercy. Nothing brings her more joy than to drive slaves into excruciating despair. She kicks his booty with her sweaty feet and pressing her naked, cheesy toes right into his face. Smell, slave! Inhale the stench of sweat! Goddess Vanny now wants an extensive foot rubdown and her servant fulfills his mistress wish without any hesitation. Of course the slave is no position to object to his stringent mistress. He has to do everything that she orders him to. Then she uses his face as a .
Trampled And Spat On – Who Aims Better The slave is lounging on the floor and already awaits the sis Jane and Layla - ...
Ingrid’s Sweaty Nylon Feet – High... Ingrid is coming back from partying and dancing the night away with her downtown ...
Sexsklave Whrend wir uns vergngen, kauerst du unten am Boden und wirst von uns ...
Witness Out Tiny Guy Or I Might Crush You Oh, an early christmas present arrived - a entire box packed with boots! ...
Liberty’s Superioritysion Liberty heard about something truly bad you did recently so you are not in a ...
You Are My Foot Slave You are my foot slave. Bow down firstI want you to smooch and sniff my feet ...
Alena – Dirty Flats Tonguing Retro This is old movie with Alex. Alena tells Alex to munch her dirty flats. She ...
Smelling Socks After a strained day at the railing tournament are not only the socks smoking ...
Lia Has Got The Control – Pics He better should have taken the warning on Lias jeans earnestly. Dont touch but ...
72 Rubbellose Fr Die Lady Mein Sub hatte wieder eine gute Idee, um die Lady bei Laune zu halten. Er hat ...