Be called! All boot enthusiasts must fasten their seatbelts now. Mirjana attempts out boots in the hotel. To this, she wears her brief rubber spandex dress. Platform leather boot have their turn very first. mirjana getting dressed and rolling on her bed - simply delicious! mirjana then puts her white guard boots on. These have very cool lacing and match mirjanas black pantyhose Exceptionally. It is anyway a super randy moment when mirjana draws her nyloned feet out of the used boots, putting her feet into a duo of other boots. Next are the black riding-boots. This is also an absolute stunt that is particularly in compliance with the white bedlinen. Eventually, there is another duo of fairly special boots: Black leather and a foot reminding one of Buffalo footwear. The leather is fairly soft and totally nestles up against mirjanas calves. Friends of pantyhose and boots must not miss this foot fetish festival!