In the sweltering fever of a hot summer day fierce and without mercy Candy stalks her prey in the park. She takes her to a solitary, yet well visible spot, makes her on her knees and the total indignity embarks. Clarissa must gobble the bottoms of her sneakers clean for embark. She begs for grace but Candys heart is colder than ice, much unlike her feet! Her pulsing veins on the top her feet, the reddish shade of her feet, the salty sweat shimmering in sunlight tell how hot it is within her sneakers and she had no socks on to sponge up the sauce! Cheesy footstink is one thing but that fetid stench rotten in her footwear are downright different. Clarissa couldnt truly tell which is worse: the suffocating smell of Candys feet she has to inhale or the fact that everybody witnesses her abjection! Faces of shame and disgust are all she can do, there is no escape from Candy! And the worst is yet to come: she has to munch that vinegary sweat off those flawless feet, moreover Candys other foot is still sweating in her sneakers! She wipes all the sweat into Clarissas face before making her gobbling feet again! For to enthrone this hellion, Candy orders this poor doll to a lengthy shoesmelling to make sure she will throw up every time this day comes back to her! Other available formatsHD WMVHD MP4.