Breanna crushes Walters skull underneath her weight! Look at your stupid little head squished in there! Breanna says peeking under the cushion at his scrunched up face! Walter starts writhing in ache pleading for her to have grace, but she wont budge! Some pretty cold stuff is said! I hope you lose your hearing, and your eyesight! He proceeds pleading and begging! I beg you! he pleads, I dont give a sh1t she replies! I beg you! he says pleading again! Thats nice, get a life she responds with a cold heartless voice! Sounds like she wants him d3ad! He pleads with her telling her that hes about to pass 0ut! Breanna hoping he will attempts adding more weight! I wonder how long I can do this before I crack your skull? she wonders. Then comes the best part! She starts bouncing up and down while crushing his skull until he ceases to budge! GORGEOUS, COLD, AND HEARTLESS! THATS OUR BREANNA! clip time 5:51.