Katelyn sits down to eat her lunch when she finds a note from her best friend Cami. Katelyn reads the note out noisy to find out that Cami shrank herself and packed herself in Katelyns lunch. In comeback for being such a superb friend over the years Cami wants to make Katelyns vore fantasy come true. How adorable. The note tells Katelyn not to worry, Cami is immortal at her shrunken size and just asks for Katelyn to get her out of the sewers in the morning. After reading the note Katelyn drops Cami in her and then Katelyn gets attacked by bees and has to budge benches. After moving benches she loves her fruit bite by bite and slurps Cami sometime during the middle of it all. Katelyn talks to Cami while shes in her belly. She can feel her moving around so she guesses shes ok. Katelyn cant wait to see Cami in the morning so she can ask her what it was like to travel via her digestive system. As a individual side note I have to say I should have taken a behind the scenes shot of the bee bite I got from filming this movie! I also should have crushed those bees for attacking me, but fortunately for them I was just interested in eating Cami!