This is what happens when you dont stay in school! You get to clean the boots of rich well to do women like me! says the successful business woman! She tells him hed better do a good job because she has an significant meeting after this! She is by far one of his most requiring customers! I want them clean. I leave behind youre retarded! Do you even know what clean means? she asks getting annoyed! Are you done yet? I have significant things to do! she tells him as he proceeds munching the bottoms of her high-heeled slippers intensively! She complains about her convenience not being good enough! She steps on his head digging her heel right into it as she attempts resting her foot on his head as he proceeds to slurp the bottom of her other heel! She rests her gam on his head like a footstool, as if he wasnt even human! She starts menacing to NOT pay him! I need it for food he pleads! Youre retarded! You dont need food, christ! she tells him! I did make all that money yesterday but Id rather buy myself something with it than give it to you! she says! She is such a cold hearted business woman! She places his head on the step of the chair as she steps on his forehead with one foot and has him slurp the other! Shes treating him like mud! Yelling at him to eat stiffer! PROLOGUE: The economys been bad recently and no company will hire a retard during a recession! So in order to make finishes meat he had to find a way to make a little money just to feed himself and pay the bills so he doesnt find himself living on the streets without a roof over his head. So he places an add on craigslist as a shoe shiner for youthful students. In order to stand out from the competition he claims the cleaning is entirely done by TONGUE! Instantaneously he gets flooded with e-mails from students wanting their footwear cleaned! This is the story of a retard during hard economic times!