Well heres an interesting story. This beautiful youthfull french woman is a real-estate agent who works at the same hard as I do shes french but speaks english in the clip. She was selling a property and I found a buyer. We were joking around at the office and she said God I hate splitting my commission. Wish I could just walk all over you and take it all!. Well after hearing her say that I couldnt help myself! I told her what I did on the side as a hobby and she just kept laughing thinking I was only kidding. I sometimes regret it, but I told her she indeed could have my half of the commission if she trampled and sat on me! After demonstrating her my site she couldnt believe her eyes! She looked cautiously and seen it was me! She laughed and said shed gladly sit and step on me for my half of the money! Well here it is, the clip where she sits on me! This month I sold 2 properties, and shes getting both commissions leaving me broke!