AFwrestling - So chad and I determined to go out clubbing and we both came home pretty Tipsy. then we commenced to argue. Chad was disregarding me most of the night at the club, dancing with hot chicks and we got into a heated battle. As we got into the bedroom we both exploded. I was so mad I threw my high high-heeled shoes at him, and he accused me of overlooking HIM!! Well that was it. I stomped over to his side of the bed and threw him down onto it. I instructed him a lesson he would never leave behind. We were both drinking a lot, and the wordy trashing that took place through the match was epic. I wished to punch him. I face sat him numerous times in forward, switch sides and in full weight. I shoved my butt and honeypot into his face so he could get a taste of me once again. I had enough of listening to him and determined it was lights out for his Tipsy booty once and for all. Night night Tipsy loser.