I have my slave with his arms and feet tightly corded, with his head locked in the head box. His movement is very restricted and he cant escape. This bitch was disrespectful to me, and Im going to instruct him a lesson. I have determined the best way is to humiliate my hooker. Therefore, Im going to love permitting him to share my slobber. I begin by ripping off some of my sweet slaver on his face, as I am chewing gum there is slew and its not long before my bitchs face is nice and moist. Then after a duo of drools, I get him to put his tongue out, and I gather some delicious mucus and empty it into his mouth. I order him to gulp it, as I have slew more. As I observe the spit run down my sluts face, I pull on a tight latex glove and rub it over his face. My slut then has to lick all the spit off my glove. I make sure he enjoys all of it as I stuff my latex fingers into his throat. Im sure he has learned his lesson as I leave him in his bondage while hes smothered in my .
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