- Custom-made REQUESTScene 1: You inject the room taking a chair with you. In the middle there is an easel to which his pony slave with a saddle resting on his back is tied on his belly. In front of the easel there is a mirror where you can mirror yourself and then rail the slave. You take a cigarette and with a slow and sexy movement sit astride the chair fundamental position so that you have the slave a brief distance in front of You light a cigarette and begin to smoke it in his face. Perhaps making the ponyboy guzzle some ash. While smoking you budge a little bit back and forward across the chair in a very provocative way getting the slave excited. You look at him and ask if he wants to be him under you instead of the chair. In response he has a ridiculous neighing and you muffle him with a smack, and calmly smokes the entire cigarette before getting 2: You take bridle and bit and prepare the pony to be mounted. Taking a railing crop, and after checking that the pony is well tied to the easel you climb on the the saddle, putting your boots with spurs in the stirrups. You take the reins and begin a long rail. Alternating slow movements with moments of true gallop, seasoned with sound lashed over the parts not covered by the saddle. During this scene I would also like a brief part in which we see you reflected in the mirror. With the bridle you will pull up the ponys head so that he can see himself in the mirror and realize what a chunk of garbage he is. You tell him this and he replies with a ridiculous 3: When you see that the pony is now diminished to a rag, you dismount and eliminate the bridle and saddle. You then make him lie on his tummy on the floor. After the grueling rail you still want to smoke. However, also to sit cosily. So you take the saddle and put it on the ponys belly lounging down. You then take the cigarette and sit cosily astride the saddle resting on the pony in a flawless railing position, just as if you were railing a pony lounging down. Still using the pony as an ash-pot, you calmly proceed to love your cigarette. Scene 4: Eventually, you get a bit annoyed and take the saddle from the ponys belly and place it over the bench. You get back in the saddle using your boots and stirrups, and calls the pony over to palm you your whip. You then embark begin to whip him and make him gobble your boots and especially the spurs. Eventually, as you observe him from your saddle, you order him to crawl back to his .
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