I have my hoe on the bed, he is on his knees with his butt in position ready to be manhandled. Im going to give him a good booty fucking, and I will love every minute of it. To prepare my cocksluts ass hole, I pull on a pair of taut black spandex gloves, I so love that sound as I open up them nice and taut over my mitts. Using some grease, I prepare his arse and begin with some finger-tickling. My bitch squeals as I open up his booty with my spandex fingers. Then its time to get down to business, as I pull on a large strapon and begin to booty fuck my bitch. He wants me to be gentle with him. Not I continue to enjoy giving him a good fucking along with some hard slaps as he squeals like a little piggy. Then its time to really make him suffer. I bring out my black whopper strapon. Its huge!! I so enjoy the pleasure of using it to make my bitches suffer. I tell my slut to be ready, and with some lube on my whopper I begin to really open his ass. He lets out a squeal with every thrust, and I laugh and continue fucking him harder and harder. I must say my whopper does a great job, and Its the ideal ripper for my sadistic ass .
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