I have been filming with this fortunate slave, and Its time for me to ease off. Hes fortunate enough to be on mitt while I love my break so Ill use him as my chair. I get him to assume the servile position and make myself comfy. I sit on his mouth with my beautiful and powerful gams astride his neck. Just in case he gets any ideas, Ill be able to squeeze his head until it pops. I also have a jennings gag to put into his mouth, its fine to hear those ratchets as it quickly opens his mouth nice and broad for me. I also so love hearing that gargled sound as he attempts to breathe. I light up and begin to love my cigarette, making sure my bitch is convenient and ready to be my ash-pot. As I proceed to smoke, I flick my ash into his mouth making sure its nice and hot. I want him to suffer and he must remain in his tense position until I permit him to stir. Having finished my cigarette and stubbed it out on my bitchs tongue. Im so liking myself, and he makes such a good chunk of furniture. I determine to have another cigarette. His mouth is now filling up with ash, and hes choking well. I finally finish him off with another hot stub out on his tongue and leaving him choking for my .
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