Theres nothing fairly like spandex. Today I have my slave zipped up and tightly encased in a spandex bodybag. I also masked him, so I dont have to look at his face. As he fights I tell him its futile, and hes not going anywhere. I sit on him, and make myself convenient. He doesnt yet know what Im going to do to him. As I gently stroke his masked face, I tell him he cant escape. Then I quickly give him a duo of smacks. His groans are patheticly quiet. Im going to switch that. I proceed with the smacking on both sides of his face. As I use my full weight sitting on top of his chest, he commences to suffer as he attempts to breath. He also fights in the fever of the taut spandex bodybag. Its also great fun having my slut at my mercy. So I continue with more punishing slapping, hitting harder and harder on both sides of his face. His squeals are not so quiet now. Under the tight hood around his head, Im sure his complexion has somewhat changed. Ill leave him hooded, and struggling in the tight latex bodybag, until I decide what else to do with .
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