PART 1Today I want see my slave suffer, because I love it and it gives me fine pleasure. To make sure he is nice and secure, I have tightly packaged him in clingfilm. Its a good way to get him heated up. I also roped him very tightly with pvc gauze. It adds that little extra, and makes everything so taut my bitch can only wriggle for me. Im going to make his suffering last a long time, and have left him to vulnerably fight while waiting for me to come back. As I arrive, my bitch looks the worst for wear. Hes been attempting despairingly to get free, of course I made sure thats not possible. I sit down and tell him hes going to adore my boots, and he better make sure he does a good job by getting that tongue of his going. Just to make sure he understands that some quick penalty will be available, I pull on a pair of my beloved leather gloves. They are a nice taut fit, and excellent for some forearm over mouth strangling should it be required. As I get my whore to begin tonguing my boots, I determine to have a cigarette. I want to ease off and love predominant my bitch. After a brief while of him tonguing my boots, I need to be more comfy. So I get a puny table and jam it over the top my bitch. Thats much better, as I can rest my feet on the table. Its amusing as my stupid bitch tries to reach my boots. I tell him to stay down, as I place my stilettos near his mouth and order him to lick them clean. Looking down on my bitch, I continue to enjoy my cigarette. I then begin to remove my boots, and tell him he is going to enjoy the luxury of worshiping my feet. However, not just Im going out for some lunch with friends. Theres a kind of helplessness in my sluts eyes, as I leave him to squirm and suffer until I decide to .
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