Im with masterslave and we are having a relieving talk about slaves. I have one thats been in a corner of the basement all morning, and I determine to bring him to kneel before us while we love a cigarette. I ring my bell, and my slave crawls over to us and takes up his position. I inform him hes going to be used as our ash-stand, and he has to remain on his knees until we have no more use for him. As light up and begin to love our cigarettes, my bitch of a slave is a bit figity. So I determine to penalize him by making his situation more painful. I get a jar of chikpeas and pour them onto the floor, then tell my slave he has to kneel on the peas. As he kneels on top of them he lets out a squeal, the peas are utterly painful as they are very hard and dig into his knees. Our bitch is warned by master slave, that he will be severly penalized if he does not remain upright until we are finished our cigarettes. We proceed smoking, and take pleasure watching our slave despairingly fight with his painful suffering from his chickpea .
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