Custom-made REQUEST - Mistress this time you?re a very stringent strong agent. Clip starts with you sitting on the box, with oily gams crossed and your prisoner standing very near you while his mitts tied behind and his head looking down to the ground. This is gonna be a camera record to send his mafia boss and tell him what you will do to his best man right are a incredible tall strong agent. Very first of all your standing up from the little cell and your standing very closely next to him with superior stance, your arms to your mid-body and showcasing to his mafia boss how his man looks like a hobbit compared to you, while you laughing and abjecting your little prisoner with your taunting words. After that you tell him how you lightly trapped his best man and hit him up for many days. While he begged you and told you like ?please stop please don?t strike me up anymore, you hurting me too much Agent Gaia, I?m in so much ache?. Also tell his mafia boss that he couldn?t treat your hittings anymore and he told you some significant secrets about his boss and his dirty jobs which he still doing. Then you begin to laugh and the prisoner starts to sob at the same time. You?re caressing his head and telling him ?oooo poor boy don?t sob, I?m not terminating you, don?t worry. I have a different plan for you hahahaha?After that you embark to tell his boss what is your plan for your little ?Do you see this little box, I?ll put your man into this cell very soon and I?ll leave him thirsty for many days, I?ll make him beg and smooch my foot every day for grace. I?ll laugh at him while he is weeping, and I?ll him to drink my piss instead of water, or I?ll give him my booty sweat when he is too thirsty hahaha. I?ll make your best man to sweat every fucking day?. After you finished all of these conversations, lastly you say to him ?when Im finished your best man, I?ll come and get you, you fucking bitch mafia boss. I?ll learn all of your secrets while I tormenting your man for the coming days? At this time the prisoner starts to sob again, and on camera you again tell his boss ?You?ll be in his place very soon mafia boss, and youll be begging me and blubbering for your low life, just wait for me bitch?... Ultimately, you put your prisoner into the box, you laugh and tell him ?now love your fresh home .
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