I have a fresh slave. Hes going to require a lot of training. Just getting him to resume a elementary position is difficult. He just wont remain still for me. To get him used to being obedient. Im going to begin with some belt whipping. With each whip of the belt, he lets out a squeal sounding like a little piggy. I get hold of his nips and give them a good twist, and proceed with his belt whipping. After a few stinging straps, he quickly learns to react to my instructions. Of course theres a long way to go. This belt training is only to get my bitch to kneel decently before me. Hes a little thick, and I will have to use more painful training methods to make him compliant to my needs. However, he WILL come to understand the requirements to serve under the feet of Mistress Gaia.
Gone With The Wind Despite being classy, refined and sophisticated ladies, myself, Ava Black and ...
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I Just Wana Suck Your Mind PAY attention smoking, pokes, lipstick junkies. I have another clip on sale so ...
Real-sklave Angekettet Whrend ich mich fr den Abend fertig gemacht habe, war mein jmmerlicher Sklave an ...
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