Mikaila is another of our dreamgirls who actually had to deal with some travel limitations just a few months ago, for all the reasons we all know, so here is another cool clip from our work from home series! Mikaila was in a mood to ease off and read her book after doing some shopping outside on a Sunday afternoon, so she thought it might be good to have you there right out front, just to take some good care of her feet! She wants you to slurp the dirty bottom of her boots, while she is actually reading book, so she can take them off after that, to totally cover your face with her sweaty white socks! They are actually smelly and stinky, but it seems like you just have no choice but to smell them, and obey her instructions! She let you sniff the inwards of her boots, and let you sniff the bottom of her sweaty white socks! She also wants you to slurp them, just to clean all that filth at the bottom of her socks! Mikaila also takes her socks off, to totally cover your face again with her sweaty naked feet! She wants you to sniff the bottom of her feet, and also wants you to gobble the sweaty bottom of her feet! She just likes to have you down there on your knees, and taking some good care of her feet, while she is just reading her book! Prepare to be disregarded! This clip was actually shot with an iPhone 8, so do not expect the usual quality of our movies. Hope you love it!
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