A scene released for the very first time from Haileys very first shoot with us! Emily was the one who introduced us to Hailey, she can be heard talking in the background of the clip. Both lady's laugh and mock poor old Walter about his loser job! come and showcase me your job Hailey tells the loser as he lies across the floor burying his face into her sweaty stinky thick winter socks! Thats indeed gross. You actually like sniffing my socks for a job? oure repugnant! I cant believe you do such a thing! Then you sell it to people! People pay for this? You know how stinky my feet are right now? Hailey says laughing! She looks to her friend Emily, And hes, hes paying ME to do this! she says! What a horrible job! hahaha, youre such a loser! What a dork! she tells him while he sniffs away, face burried deep into her fluffy winter socks! She caresses and grinds her moist socks into his face and nose attempting to engrain the smell into his nostrils her words!. Hailey couldnt stop laughing and sniggering at the view of him sniffing her socks! You like this? Lounging on the floor sniffing women feet? Gross! Youre hideous! she says laughing going on about how stinky her feet are and how theyve been in her raw moldy winter boots all day long! Can you breathe? She asks pinching his nose while covering his mouth with her foot! Wait till you turn crimson, then Ill let go hahaha. Hailey keeps strangling him at the bottom of her feet until his veins begin popping out of his forehead! Dont worry, if you pass out Im sure the smell will wake you up again lol -Haileyclip time 5:34.