WOW! Heres another amazing clip with this Paradise Krystal! That was another crazy night where she dreamed to write a story about a foot fetish pervert! She needed some inspiration for that so she handcuffs her footslave under the desk to make sure he doesnt stir or disturb while she works! She explains to him how does her feet smell indeed bad after a long day with her boots while shes laughing at him cause she knows shes in flawless control for now! Shes not sure he can take it but who cares? Hes manacled under the desk for now so hell have to! She starts to type her little story while she crushes his tummy and his face with her boots! She takes them off to cover his nose with them and orders him to sniff in her boots! The smell was indeed intense! Just imagine her feet! Krystal wants to make some joy so she embark to throttle his face with her sweaty socks! She cant stop laughing at this pathetic loser! She knows how bad her feet smell after a long day with her boots on! She makes him sniff and eat her dirty sock while she types her own story about this foot fetish weirdo! She just loves to see him suffer under her sweaty feet while hes hancuffed under the desk! Its funny you cant even touch my feet! Krystal is truly in a good mood for now so she takes her socks off to cover his face with her stinky feet so that way shell be in a good position to type! Its better with a footstool! You give me some inspiration when you breath in my feet! She smothers his face with her sweaty feet before she makes him lich the bottom of her feet with his tongue! Its like a refreshing! I luv it! Open your mouth now! Just in case i need more inspiration or a spot to rest my toes! Krystals at her Best!