A firework of indignity and terror! Get in the vapid Cindy and Melady and notice, this have I not tidied and cleaned Houseslave Richie. They see it lounging asleep on the couch around instead. It from and the sleep ejects it instantaneously rip her to look of the bed everywhere at the mess which it has not cleaned. Simply all of a sudden Cindy takes the full ash-stand and flings the finish contents on the ground. Cigarettes and ash lie on the ground everywhere now. The two order him finery! and Richie gets down to work at once. Cindy goes everything too timidly but this. By she hauls he retracts to the ground and Melady about, it an eye bandage it can which see nothing more. And Cindy already shoves him aggressively with the face into the ash, too, before Richie still can begin to clean and orders him to munch the ash of the ground off just like you would slurp a twat!, she says. To this it comes in the entire ash must a duo of intense arse kicks of Melady. Richie lap up of the ground with its tongue. Melady in the meantime still sits down on its back and the ash still blurs Cindy with her Highs High-heeled slippers. You humiliate it vocally on the most terrible one, offend it and swear at it vulgarly. Forcibly Cindy stuffs a tin for it into the mouth and all the time it, this tin about to hold taut in the mouth like a dog bone. The two sadomasochistic Ladies use his back as a chair and humiliate with all possible deeds. Richie needs to clean sedentary, the floor with the drinks can in the mouth and the eye bandage, with the two on his back. Melady drizzles flower water for it into the face and Cindy still stuffs the dirty duster for it into the mouth. Abjected and intimidated Richie further ultimately cleans Total. Sadistic-Queen Cindy then still empties a dishes cleaner on the ground to make still more filth and dribble also on its head. The two empty the washing-up bucket over its head and ultimately put on it the bucket like a helmet. This one Richie sees nothing more and must on order now both in the circle dance, how the two hammer it with a wood treat on the pail. Richie Weiternutzen then must. It must without what on order to see.And as it telling the two about itself I am the scum! further need to clean the floor, still drool on the ground the two terror Ladies again. Without observing what it then must the drools on the ground look to wipe them off. To that they order it to take off its T-shirt, make joy of it, offend by it utterly and it to mop the remaining filth up on the floor with its T-shirt. He needs to clean with the drinks can in the mouth with the T-shirt of his own further while the two find him funny and mock him.
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