Slave offers Richie to eat his Hungarian mistresss Bianca a banana; But as Bianca of this a chunk bites off, she gets yucky of this and she simply drools the banana on the ground; Slave Richie then must eat as a penalty of the ground and gobble of her loud red shoes the chewed remains.
Big Flying Helicopter Under Boots Victim for a booted Crushlady is a downright working and flying RC-Helicopter. ...
Wichs Deine Palm Fr Mich Ab heute wirst du nur noch deine Mitt fr MICH deiner alten bekommst du keinen ...
Using His Face As My Office Chair Ive a bunch of work to do today - and this slave is going to help making the ...
Liberty’s Footslave Abusesion Liberty loves to take advantage of this loser slave all the time and especially ...
Sneakergirl – Christmas Decoration House Christmas Decoration House.
Schmerzhafte Sklavenaufgabe Achtung schmerzhaft und nur fr wahre Sklaven geeignet. Du bekommst eine Aufgabe ...
Eva’s Relieving Night – High Quality Eva was coming back from another long working day at the office, so she thought ...
Cartons Crushed Under Mules Lady B crushes cartons with her Mules and press there in the Wastecontainer. ...
Mistress Gaia – Lil’ Cock Therapy Today, I with two of my mistress friends and we a are going to have ourselves a ...
London’s Sweaty Feet Challenge Some of you here will recall my very very first practice with London from a few ...