Thats it, Gasp on it! Give me a Foot Job! Suck it Bitch! Krystal says laughing as she pulls Walter by the hair bobbing his head up and down - making him suck and GAG on her foot! You cant deep mouth my toe? Come on! Gag on it! If youre good Im going to give you a surprise! she says! She prizes him his bounty by Slobbering right in his eye! She pulls him up by the hair Slobbering in his face a 2nd time! Then makes him suck and gag down on her foot again! Come on more! I know you can fit more! she says pushing her foot to the back of his mouth! THE Activity IS HOT! KRYSTAL SHOVES HER TOES SO DEEP TO THE BACK OF HIS Mouth WE THOUGHT HE WAS GOING TO PUKE! HE WAS GAGGING AND Gagging ON HER FOOT WHILE SHE LAUGHED AND SHOVES HER FOOT DOWN DEEPER Spanking HIM IN THE FACE LIKE THE CCK SUCKING WHORE HE IS!