Custom-made The Monster Within Damsel In Distress

Includes giantess - vore - damsel in distress - transformation fantasy - black - custom-built clip Ava has finished eatingthetiny humans she had rounded up to feedthehungry being growing inwards her belly.Thecreature inwards has grown massive as Avas clothes no longer fit. After eatingthelast human she tellsthebeing thatthefood is all gone and that theyll have to wait until tomorrow before she can feed again.Thecreature inwards however is still greedy and wants more. It kicks and moves ly inwards Avas belly. She attempts calming it down, but it fails. Thebeing has become very strong and abruptly starts to pull Ava by her belly. She resists tellingthebeing there is no more food, but its no use.Thebeing is now pulling her madly aroundthehouse, despairingly looking for more lil' humans for her to eat. To Avas surprisethebeing has led her to a petite group of lil' humans. Almost full, Ava tellsthebeing that shell feed him these humans, but these arethelast. She devours them hoping it will eventually please it. Very full and feeling ready to burst, Ava starts to comeback to her room. Just thenthebeing pulls her again to look for more. She attempts to stopthebeing but its no use. She gives up and now permits it full control as is searches for more. Once again she is lead to another group of humans. Totally full Ava rejects to eat them, angeringthebeing. It thrashes her around, knocking her totheground. Tired, Ava submits and eventually eatsthehumans. Very full she lies there glad its ultimately over. All of a sudden her belly moves again oh no! Damsel in distress ending where Ava reluctantly does as she is told. And is a victim tothebeings bidding.