Candice gives Kylee a 101 course on trampling! She starts with a live demonstration on Walter, stepping on his head, face and neck! Kylee whos camera female walks in closer to the activity, Looks like hes liking it. she says while stepping on Walters face as she films the act! Candice grinds her foot hard over Walters face! And if youre indeed mean you can kick him in the testicles! she says stepping on his groin! The women laugh at him calling him a loser as he groans in agony! Now its Kylees turn to showcase Candice what shes learned! Kylees a little hesitant to hurt him as she steps up. Tell him to open his mouth! Candice tells Kylee! Open it! Kylee tells Walter as she attempts prying his mouth open with her foot! Open your mouth! she says thrusting her toes in his mouth! Suck on it! she tells Walter! Candice tells her to shove her foot in deeper! I cant shove it in much deeper, hes got a indeed puny mouth! she says attempting to put it in deeper! This is the very first time Ive ever done anything like this. Ive always imagined about it but never actually done it. Feels indeed good! Kylee tells Candice describing her feelings about trampling a boy for the very very first time in her life! Isnt he a idiot? Candice tells her friend! Hes a idiot for letting me do this! Kylee says laughing at Walter! THIS IS KYLEES Very first TRAMPLING Practice! BOTH Damsels TAKE TURNS TRAMPLING AS THE OTHER FILMS IN THIS Very ENTERTAINING CLIP! CLIP TIME 3:44.