.Summary: Amadahy loves facesitting and throttling, as becomes readily apparent in this clip. She likes subjugating her masculine victim from all angles -- front, back, side -- reveling her triumph and his willing subordination to her powerful womanhood and ideal gams. Story: Famed investor and commentator Jim Kramer thinks he knows a thing or two about the decent use of leverage in portfolio management ? but hes never encountered Goddess Amadahy. Amadahy is on a mission after watching her mother lose her life savings by following Kramers strident investment discovered his fetish for gams, stockings, and the face-sitting scissor fetish, amadahy is closing in for the financial k. i. l. and shes using Kramers own mobile phone and securities-swapping app to wipe the CNBC blowhard out. Amdahys a lovely face-sitter and an athlete who loves face-sitting and scissoring because it italicizes and symbolizes the masculine predicament bondage, enslaved by female power and serving orally under the throne of She Whom He Will Never Have. A TOP-50 BEST-SELLER in its U. S. release.